Social Commitment of Mistolin Company
At Mistolin, SA, we embrace our role in enhancing the communities we serve, and we pledge to conduct our operations with integrity, social awareness, and environmental stewardship.
The future is shaped by the responsible pursuit of our beliefs!

We guarantee dignified work
We consider child labor to be totally reprehensible and unacceptable, with the principle of hiring workers over the age of 18.

We protect ethical and responsible work
We consider the use of forced labor to be a totally reprehensible and unacceptable practice, totally contrary to our policy and applicable legislation. Consequently, we do not use forced labor with our employees for any reason. If, on any employee's unlawful initiative, forced labor is found to be being used on Mistolin employees, this must be reported immediately to senior management for disciplinary action and the adoption of appropriate measures.

We defend health and safety
We have implemented and certified an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in accordance with the EN ISO 45001 standard, through which we strive for continuous improvement in working conditions and the adoption of safe practices by our employees.

We support freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
We respect the right of workers to form and join unions of their choice and to bargain collectively. For this reason, no worker may be discriminated against in any way.

We protect equality
For us, none of the situations of discrimination are tolerable, particularly in relation to race, social class, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, age, and so on. Discrimination is considered to be the inability of entities or people to access a certain benefit and/or right due to characteristics not met for this purpose. We are committed to not adopting any practices that disturb the right to non-discrimination of all employees.

We do not consent to violence
We do not allow or support the use of corporal, mental or physical coercion and verbal abuse with our employees.

We comply with schedules and wages
We comply with the working hours laid down in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Overtime is paid and may not exceed 12 hours per week per worker. We also ensure that the wages paid are sufficient for workers' basic needs, taking into account specific legislation.